Incompetence of persons mar institution's growth

inam ul rehman

Incompetence of any person during his service years can be gauged on number of hurdles he creates for his co-workers. A competent person erases roadblocks because he considers it his professional duty. 

I work in the University of Kashmir, an apex educational institution so far. Here we have a number of incompetent persons, who unfortunately are also placed in responsible positions. Many of these persons are in such positions because their fathers, uncles, who were previously working in the University, vied for them. Their incompetence mars not only individuals working with them but hampers the growth of the institution.  

In January 2020, the government said that broadband connections would be restored to educational institutions but our man at the information technology and system support refused to act on it. Instead “His Highness” at the ITSS put a form on the intranet of the University, which states that anyone who wants to use the internet connectivity has to fill an undertaking form. It was surprising because the university already has its own firewall system which restricts access to thousands of websites including social networking sites. Also, the government of Jammu and Kashmir didn’t say any such thing was to be done, instead it stressed on mac binding, but since “His Highness” at the ITSS thought it is a cumbersome process he went for “undertaking form”. This mac binding was already done in the summer secretariat of Srinagar in September 2019. No employee was made to sign an “undertaking form”. I loathe such undertakings because if the institution has no trust on its employees it should shut down, or dismiss them from services.  

I waited for a few more weeks that the government may finally rescind its order and the internet (broadband) clampdown would be removed. It didn’t happen. Then on February 14, I signed the “undertaking form” and send it to “His Highness” of ITSS so that my internet account in the University is restored. He took only 14 days to decide with a cavil that the head of the centre has not countersigned the undertaking form, and as such connection cannot be restored. But when my friend pointed to him that no such thing is mentioned on the undertaking form, he said it is “common sense”. But, argued my friend, why is this common sense not reflected in the “undertaking form”, to which he was speechless. The “undertaking form” clearly mentions that the person using the internet will be responsible for its “misuse” then where does the role of my head comes in! If director has to take responsibility of my action then why should I sign the form! I refused to countersign it from my head. Meanwhile in the institute of management and public administration (IMPA) employees signed “undertaking form” and their internet accounts were restored without any fuss. And this was done there during the month of October.

Then on March 05, government restored broadband connections, lifted ban on social media for everyone, and I was expecting that now I would be able to log in to the internet at the University of Kashmir. But “HH” at ITSS kept the internet locked. Like me there are many hundred employees who were unable to log in to their internet accounts because one person excels in creating hurdles. Why? because it gives him a sense of power at the expense of our discomfort.  Before the clampdown of the internet in Kashmir no one knew him in the university, but now from gatekeepers to professors everyone knows him as he made teachers and non teaching staff to beg him for the restoration of their internet accounts.   To Know more about His Highness here is one story about him  

Six days later (March 11) my colleagues inform me that all internet accounts of our centre have been restored.  

Just when I was thinking it maybe an aberration another circular from the University surprises me. This time it was regarding university transport facility. Before the abrogation of the state we used to get Rs 350 as transport allowance, but when we availed the transport facility of the University we were charged four times extra. It violated the rule because as per the rule if a transport facility of institution is availed only TA amount has to be cut from the salary, whatever it is. The SKAUST-K, SKIMS follow it but not the UoK Now after seven months the university restarted the bus services and this time it came with even queer circular. In the circular rates are mentioned for students, and employees. As per the circular any university employee who avails the transport facility of the institution forfeits his transport allowance, but if the employee’s TA does not meet the rates prescribed he has to pay more money! See it here. 

It is flagrant violation of the rules by the apex body of education. When we raised queries to the assistant registrar transport regarding it he didn’t pay any heed, and had no answer why the boarders of the university transport were charged four times more than their TA. To ward off more queries he stated that we should meet the registrar, and only he can null this order. It doesn’t matter for him that he has issued the order not the latter.  Just to remind readers that most employees fed up with this attitude hire private vehicles, and they charge less than the university. Many vehicles meant to hire employees, students are rusting in the campus because of incompetence of the transport section. It deprives the university of healthy income. 

The purpose of this write up is not to put down the persons or institution. It is to remind them that at the position of responsibility your role is to iron out hurdles.  A competent man is known for resolving crisis not abetting it.  

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